Yr Arglwydd a'm carodd i'n rhyfedd erioed

(Cariad tragwyddol Duw)
Yr Arglwydd a'm carodd i'n rhyfedd erioed;
Fe'm cywir adnabu yn mhell cyn fy mod,
  Arfaethodd yn gynnar fy nghadw'n ddiogel,
  Pan wnaeth ei gyfammod
      yn sicr dan sel.

A chariad tragwyddol fe'm carodd i do;
Clod iddo trwy'r nefoedd!
    fe'm cadwodd mewn co':
  'Sgrifenodd fy enw i yno ryw bryd
  Yn mhlith y rhai garwyd
      cyn seiliad y byd.

Er imi droseddu glan gyfraith fy Nuw,
Do, ganwaith ei demtio
    a'i flino, gwir yw,
  Ni newid, ni thorir y weithred a wnaed
  Gynt yn nhragwyddoldeb -
      fe dd'wedodd fy Nhad.

Wel, dyma fel carodd
    fi'n rhodd ac yn rhad;
Pa drysor dan nefoedd
    mwy gwerthfawr a gaed?
  Oen anwyl ei fynwes
      a gefais heb gel;
  Mae ynddo'n guddiedig fy mywyd dan sel.

Mi ges y Ffrynd goreu fyth,
    fyth, all'sai fod;
Yr addewid a roddodd ni thorodd erioed:
  Er byw'n ei ogoniant yn nghanol y nef,
  Mewn awr o gyfyngder
      fe_wrendy fy llef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau []:
Joanna (alaw Gymreig)
Wareham (William Knapp 1798-1868)

  Mae'n bryd i ni ganu ni gawsom y fraint
  Mi ge's y Ffrynd goreu fyth fyth all'sai fod

(The everlasting love of God)
The Lord loved me - ever a wonder;
He rightly knew me long before I was,
  He planned early to keep me safe,
  When he made his covenant
      secure under a seal.

With everlasting love, yes, he loved me;
Praise to him throughout the heavens!
    he kept me in memory:
  He wrote my name there some time
  Amongst those beloved
      before the foundation of the world.

Although I transgressed my God's holy law,
Yes, a hundred times tested him
    and grieved him, it is true,
  Neither to be changed, nor to be broken
      are the actions that did
  Once in eternity -
      my Father said.

See, this is how he loved
    me as a gift and freely;
What treasure under heaven
    more valuable was got?
  The dear lamb of his bosom
      I got without a lie;
  In him hidden is my life under a seal.

I got the best Friend ever,
    ever, that could be;
The promise he gave he never broke:
  To live in his glory in heaven's centre,
  In an hour of straits
      he will hear my cry.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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